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60th Anniversary Australasian Division Conference, 2023 (Melbourne)

As one year wraps up and a new one begins, the board of the BIE Australasian division wishes every one of you a happy and prosperous 2024.

This year we celebrate our 60th anniversary as a division, and it begins with our first event of the year, our annual conference and AGM, February 2nd – 4th in Melbourne. We are hoping to have as many of you as possible attend this event. It will be a great way to kick off the year, with educational sessions and the opportunity to catch up with members from all over the division.

Your board has been working to organise an interesting and informative conference line up which you can see in the following pages. Please register and book your accommodation. We look forward to beginning our 60th year with you.

Please see below, information and registration forms available for download:

  • Conference Registration Form

  • Conference Costings Guide

  • Conference Presenters Guide

15 July

BIE CPD and Meeting